Zapier: Integrating with OpenLearning

OpenLearning is trialling a Zapier integration. You can add the OpenLearning Zapier Integration by using the following invite link:


This integration allows:

  • Adding (managed) users to institutions (and fetching a user’s OpenLearning user ID)
  • Look up user information (by user email address, and fetching a user's OpenLearning user ID)
  • Enrolling users in classes (by user ID)
  • Setting up a trigger for any xAPI statement within a course delivery. e.g. when a user comments on, visits, or completes a particular page, or when a user joins or completes a course.

If you have an existing Zapier integration and the "choose app" screen is showing incorrect information, click the above invite link again to ensure you're using the latest version of the integration.


See: xAPI: How can I collect and store learner information to use for learning analytics on OpenLearning? for information on how xAPI statements are generated for courses.



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  • 3 yrs agoSun, November 21, 2021 at 6:29 AM UTCLast active
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