How do I manage my Portfolio as a learner?

Your Portfolio is a digital showcase of your coursework and achievements. Your Portfolio can be shared publicly outside of the course and is a great way to share the skills you have learnt with potential employers.

In courses with Portfolios enabled, your Portfolio on OpenLearning will be auto-generated. This means that after you complete a shared activity in your course (e.g. activities where you have shared an image, text, video or file into a Gallery), your shared artefact will be automatically added to your Portfolio.

After you have shared a post within a Gallery, you will also have the option to hide or show it on your Portfolio. 

To hide or display a post in your Portfolio from within the course

After you have shared something in a Gallery, you can update whether you'd like it hidden from or shown on your Portfolio.

Click on the item you have shared.

Click the cog icon.

Select either Hide from portfolio


or Show on portfolio


To hide or display a post directly on your Portfolio

Go to your Portfolio on your profile page and click Manage Portfolio.

Tick the checkbox on the items you would like to hide and select Hide from Portfolio

Click Done when you're finished.

To unhide a hidden post directly on your Portfolio

Click Hidden Posts.

Select the posts that you want to unhide.

Click Show on Portfolio. 

Click on the post you wish to add or edit your reflection for

Click the cog icon and select Edit Post

Update your reflection then click Update Post

Simply copy the URL on your profile page, underneath your profile picture.

Portfolios have been enabled in most courses and institutions since late January 2019.

27 replies

    • 8 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Thank you for the sharing. 

    • Learner
    • Kassim_Dauda
    • 5 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Great work! 

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