xAPI: List of Statements: Verbs and Objects

OpenLearning Generated Statements

OpenLearning generates the following xAPI Statements:

Page Viewed


Activity Section Completed

  • Triggered: When a user completes a section of a page
  • Actor: The user who completed the page section
  • Verb: ADL "completed" (http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/completed)
  • Object: An OpenLearning 'Widget Block' Object


Activity Section Experienced

  • Triggered: When a user performs an action on a section of a page which submits data to the system
  • Actor: The user who submitted data on the activity
  • Verb: ADL "experienced" (http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/experienced)
  • Object: An OpenLearning 'Widget Block'
  • Result: The data submitted (as OpenLearning "submission-data"), e.g.
  "result": {
    "extensions": {
      "https://xapi.openlearning.com/extensions/submission-data": {
        ... submitted data
      "https://xapi.openlearning.com/extensions/submission-id": "{internal OpenLearning submission ID}"


Page Completed


Course Completed

  • Triggered: When a user completes a course in its entirety
  • Actor: The user who completed the course
  • Verb: ADL "completed" (http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/completed)
  • Object: An OpenLearning Course Object


Post Published

  • Triggered: When a user creates and shares a post from a page section
  • Actor: The user who shared the post
  • Verb: ADL "shared" (http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/shared)
  • Object: The OpenLearning 'Widget Block' Object which generated the post
  • Result: The OpenLearning "post-text" and "post-data", e.g.
  "result": {
    "extensions": {
      "https://xapi.openlearning.com/extensions/post-text": "... text posted",
      "https://xapi.openlearning.com/extensions/post-data": {... data posted},
      "https://xapi.openlearning.com/extensions/post-id": "{internal OpenLearning post ID"


Comment made on a Page

  • Triggered: When a user makes a comment (anywhere) in a page's comment thread
  • Actor: The user who commented on the page
  • Verb: ADL "commented" (http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/commented)
  • Object: The OpenLearning Page Object
  • Result: The OpenLearning Comment Object, e.g.
  "result": {
    "extensions": {
      "https://xapi.openlearning.com/extensions/comment": { ... OpenLearning Comment Object }


Comment made on a Post

  • Triggered: When a user makes a comment (anywhere) in a post's comment thread
  • Actor: The user who commented on the post
  • Verb: ADL "commented" (http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/commented)
  • Object: The OpenLearning Post Object
  • Result: The OpenLearning Comment Object, e.g.
  "result": {
    "extensions": {
      "https://xapi.openlearning.com/extensions/comment": { ... OpenLearning Comment Object }


Progressed in a Class

  • Triggered: Whenever a user's progress in a class changes
  • Actor: The user whose progress has changed
  • Verb: ADL "progressed" (http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/progressed)
  • Object: The OpenLearning Class (Cohort) Object
  • Result: Progression is provided as an xAPI "score" object. e.g. for a learner who has completed 50% of the class content, or 40 out of a total of 80 activities:
"result": {
  "score": {
    "max": 80,
    "min": 0,
    "raw": 40,
    "scaled": 0.5


Joined a Class

  • Triggered: When a user joins a class (enrols in a course)
  • Actor: The user who joined the class (is now registered as enrolled into this class)
  • Verb: ADL "registered" (http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/registered)
  • Object: The OpenLearning Class (Cohort) Object


Certificate Issued

  • Triggered: When a certificate is issued to a user
  • Actor: The user who received the certificate
  • Verb: ActivityStrea.ms "received" (http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/received)
  • Object: The OpenLearning Class (Cohort) Object, for which the certificate was issued
  • Result: The OpenLearning "certificate-id" and "certificate-url" of the issued certificate, e.g.
  "result": {
    "extensions": {
      "https://xapi.openlearning.com/extensions/certificate-id": "{certificate identifier}",
      "https://xapi.openlearning.com/extensions/certificate-url": "{link to download the certificate}"


OpenLearning xAPI Objects

OpenLearning xAPI Objects take the form:

OpenLearning Course Object:

OpenLearning Class (Cohort) Object:

OpenLearning Page Object:

OpenLearning Widget Block Object:

(An interactive page section)

OpenLearning Comment Object:

  • id:

          For comments on Pages:

              {Page URL}?comment={OpenLearning Comment ID}

          For comments on Posts:

              https://www.openlearning.com/post/{OpenLearning Post ID}?comment={OpenLearning Comment ID}

  • definition:
    • name

          For Page Comments:

              "A comment made on an OpenLearning Page"

          For Post Comments:         

              "A comment on an OpenLearning Post"  

          For Replies:

              "A reply ..." (as above)



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  • 2217Views
  • 8 Following