How do I create and add sub-pages?

Adding sub-pages is a great way to break up and organise your content.

Note: Sub pages will not show in the 'Learning Activities' tab and do not count towards progress. 

Step 1

To create a sub-page, click on the address bar of your browser. 

Step 2

Type in a new URL after your course address and press Enter.

Step 3 

Your new URL should take you to a page that reads No page lives here at the moment, but you can create oneClick here, or on "Edit" above to create a page and start editing.

 Click Edit to create a new page. 

Step 4

You can then edit the page as usual. 

 Step 5

Once you're done, View or Finish Editing to save your changes.  


To add this sub-page into your course, simply add a hyperlink to the URL inside your course.



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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
  • 486Views
  • 1 Following