Individually timed access to an MCQ quiz
This is a major issue for us, and we may have to remove our UNSW course from Open Learning next year because this is lacking. We need students to be able to choose to start an MCQ quiz at a certain…
Assess Students: have a left-right scroll bar at top AS WELL as the bottom of student list!!
I have a class of about 60 students, and 10 chapters to assess. The left-right scroll bar is only at the bottom, so if I want to enter the marks for any chapter after No 2,…
Change MCQ text from "your response is accepted"
Students can interpret this as meaning "your response is correct/ acceptable". Can we please remove this text entirely or have the option to edit it? I would either have nothing or "your response…
Stop collapsing completed chapters for course Administrators
The completion status makes no sense for an administrator. I think the chapters should still remain open to their first page so that the design of the course looks consistent,…
Export contents of all widgets for a course
All our student activities are in widgets and we'd like to be able to have an off-site backup of these. Extracting course pages doesn't give you the questions or text within a widget (a post text…
Extract all student comments for a course
Our students are posting some excellent material and we can learn much from them. I would love to be able to extract ALL student posts for a course, instead of having to do this activity by activity.…
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