Multiple answer quiz missing... twice
Hi, I tried adding the multiple answer quiz on a page. Tried it twice and seems fine with the view panel after I created it but then when I go back to my modules and access the page from there, it is missing. Now, I lost both quizes and also the submit button.
On a similar issue, how do I mark the multiple correct answers? Yesterday the widget had little tick boxes before each answer, I think. Now, it is just buttons to select your choice. When pressed submit, if a student didn't tick all the correct answers, the get an 'Incorrect, try again' message.
Is it me or the widget is wonky??? If it's me, please help and let me know how to do it right. Thanks!
3 replies
Hi there! Can you please link me to the page or pages that you're having trouble with? I'll have a look at your setup and see what I can do to help :)