How to set up the portal footer?

You can set up the portal footer to have links to relevant pages for your organisation.

Go to Institution Settings > Footer Links.

Click Add List.

Type in your link title and link URLs using the markdown format shown underneath each list.

To add links to each list, the format must be:

  • [Link Title] - square brackets, followed by;
  • (URL) - regular brackets; with no space in between.


To add social media links with icons, please note that icons are pulled from a platform called Font Awesome. You cannot upload your own.

The format for popular Font Awesome icons with social media links is:

[:fa-twitter-square: Twitter](https://twitter.com/yourhandle)

 [:fa-facebook-square: Facebook](https://facebook.com/yourpage]

[:fa-weibo: Weibo](http://www.weibo.com/yourlink)

[:fa-linkedin-square: LinkedIn](http://au.linkedin.com/company/yourlink)

[:fa-instagram: Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/yourlink/)

[:fa-rss-square: Blog](your URL)

Once you have completed adding lists and links, click Save Links.

Check your footer lists are linking correctly by going to the front-end view of your portal.

You can also set the course footer to display the same footer as the institution portal landing page.

Go to Institution Settings > Settings > Advanced.

Under Institution Course Footer, select Display the same footer as Institution landing page.


The portal footer will be displayed on the Course Landing Page and the Course Pages.

Course Landing Page:


Course Page:


Alternatively, the other options are: 

  • Display the default OpenLearning footer: the default OpenLearning footer below will be displayed on the course landing page and the course Pages.


  • Don't display a footer: no footer will be displayed at the bottom of the page.



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