Technopreneurship UMK

Hi, it appears that the Technopreneurship course is not available anymore...just now that I prepared my last assignment:-(

Does anyone know what happened?

thanks for your help 


4 replies

    • Customer Success Team
    • Omnaya_Omar
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi there! This course has been turned offline due to recent platform changes. If you were directed to this course via a university or program, it would be best to contact them directly for information on how you should proceed. You can also try contacting the course admins by sending a message through their profile pages: Mohd Hafizie SuhaimiMohd Shafeirul Zaman Bin Abd Majid, Mooc UMK

      • Paolo_Tresoldi
      • 5 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Omnaya Omar 

      hi there, unfortunately no answer from anyone yet...any other idea? Is the course going to be online again soon??



      • Customer Success & Onboarding Team Leader at OpenLearning
      • Alenka_Prezelj
      • 5 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Paolo Tresoldi Hi, unfortunately we don't have that information. Perhaps you could look for contact information online and contact the school (UKM) directly.

    • Paolo_Tresoldi
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi, thanks for your quick reply.

    it seems the links to the profile pages are not working.


    i also sent a chat message to Mohd Hafizie Suhaim ( course facilitator), but he hasn’t responded yet..

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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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