Supported file extensions

All files that are uploaded in Openlearning needs to adhere to a mime type and extension whitelist which excludes any executable file types (binaries, scripts, etc.) which could execute malware when downloaded and executed on a user’s computer.

This affects uploads that are done through any of our widgets within the platform, including Text Widget, File Widget, HTML (xAPI) widget, Video widgets.

Here are the current file extensions that are whitelisted in our platform that will be updated accordingly whenever a new file extension is added to the list:


File Type Mime Extensions
Adobe EPS application/postscript eps
Adobe Illustrator application/postscript ai
Adobe InDesign application/x-indesign indd
Adobe Photoshop application/octet-stream psd
Amazon Kindle eBook application/vnd.amazon.ebook azw
Audio audio/aac aac
Audio audio/m4a m4a
Audio audio/wav wav
Audio audio/x-ms-wma wma
Audio audio/mpeg mpg,mpeg,mpv,mp3
Audio audio/webm webm
Audio audio/ogg oga,ogg
Audio audio/opus opus
Audio audio/wav wav
EPub application/epub+zip epub
Font application/vnd.ms-fontobject eot
Font application/font-otf font/otf otf
Font application/font-woff font/woff woff
Font font/woff2 woff2
Font application/font-ttf font/ttf ttf
Image image/bmp bmp
Image image/gif gif
Image image/png png
Image image/jpg jpg
Image image/jpeg jpeg,jpg jfif
Image image/svg+xml svg
Image image/tiff image/tiff-fx tif,tiff
Image image/vnd.microsoft.icon ico,cur
Image image/webp webp
JSON application/json json
Microsoft Excel application/vnd.ms-excel. xls, csv
Microsoft Excel application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet


Microsoft Powerpoint File application/vnd.ms-powerpoint ppt,pot,pps,ppa
Microsoft Powerpoint File application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation pptx
Microsoft Visio application/vnd.visio vsd
Microsoft Word application/msword doc,dot
Microsoft Word application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document docx
Microsoft Word application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template dotx
OpenDocument Presentation application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation odp
OpenDocument Spreadsheet application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet ods
OpenDocument Text application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text odt
Rich Text application/rtf rtf
SPSS Statistics File Format application/octet-stream sav
Video video/mp4 mp4,m4v
Video video/mpeg mpg,mpeg,mpv
Video video/quicktime mov
Video video/x-flv flv
Video video/webm webm
Video video/ogg ogv,ogg
Video video/x-msvideo avi
Video video/x-ms-wmv wmv
Video Tracks text/vtt vtt
Application Ogg application/ogg ogg
Jupyter Notebook application/x-ipynb+json ipynb


# Any file with mime-type text/* can be uploaded if matching these extensions

File Type Mime Extensions
Plain Text text/plain txt,text,conf,def,list,log,ini
Calendar text/calendar ics,ifb
Cascading Style Sheets text/css css
CoffeeScript text/coffeescript coffee,litcoffee
Comma Separated List text/csv csv
HTML text/html htm,html
Javascript text/javascript js
JSX text/jsx jsx
LESS text/less less
Markdown text/markdown markdown,md
MathML text/mathml mml
RichText text/richtext rtx
RTF text/rtf rtf
R Script text/plain R
SMath text/xml sm
SGML text/sgml sgm,sgml
SPDX text/spdx spdx
Turtle text/turtle ttl
URI List text/uri-list uri,uris,urls
vCard text/vcard vcard
GraphViz text/vnd.graphviz gv
XML text/xml xml,xsd
R text/xml r
YAML text/yaml yml,yaml
ASM text/x-asm s,asm
C text/x-c c,cc,cxx,cpp,h,hh,dic
Fortran text/x-fortran f,for,f77,f90
Handlebars Template text/x-handlebars-template hbs
Java Source text/x-java-source java
Lua text/x-lua lua
Pascal text/x-pascal p,pas
Processing text/x-processing pde
SASS text/x-sass sass
SCSS text/x-scss scss
Python text/x-python py


# Can be uploaded if scanned for malware

File Type Mime Extensions
Apple Installer Package application/vnd.apple.installer+xml mpkg
Audio audio/midi mid,midi
PDF application/pdf pdf
ZIP Archive application/zip zip
ZIP Archive application/x-zip-compressed zip
RAR Archive application/vnd.rar


If you have any issues with uploading any of the files with the extensions above or would like to request extensions to be whitelisted, please contact our support team at support@openlearning.com with these details:

  • File extension
  • Course page
  • Which system you are uploading it from (Windows, Mac, Linux, mobile etc)
  • If the file is currently not listed, share with us the reason this needs to be whitelisted

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  • 2 yrs agoThu, December 22, 2022 at 6:54 AM UTCLast active
  • 5459Views
  • 8 Following