Empty parts in "Wastewater Technology"



I was wondering why modules 7 and 8 seem to have no assessments (?) Since materials and assessment are mandatory for the completion of the course, I would regret not having the certificate, just because I could not complete these parts.


Cheers and be safe,

29 replies

    • Customer Success Team
    • Omnaya_Omar
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Thanks for getting in touch!


    OpenLearning provides the learning platform for organisations and individuals to teach their courses. If you have any platform or technical issues, you can always ask us! 


    But for course-specific and content-related queries, they would need to be answered by the course facilitator. You could either comment within the course for the facilitator to reply, or you could send them a direct message on their profile page, if they have chat enabled. If you have their email address, you can contact them there as well.

      • Iris_Soliman
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Omnaya Omar The instructor doesn't allow chat and there is no email whatsoever. Furthermore, I already pointed out some issues quite a while ago, without any response on their part :-/

      • Customer Success Team
      • Omnaya_Omar
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Iris Soliman Thanks for letting us know Iris! We have contacted your course administrators for you. Once they reply and the issue is resolved, we will let you know.

    • Iris_Soliman
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I'll patiently go through the MOOC, then ;-) 

    • Iris_Soliman
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hello again, I am now at 72% completed, and have 5 activities left. Issues are as follows: 

    1. Wastewater Introduction: "comments" block at the bottom of the page, in which we seemingly can't add anything;
    2. Anaerobic process, part 1: 3 unviewable videos;
    3. Assignments 6 through 8: somply nothing to do.

    Hope this helps either you or the course admin as to where the issues are,


    Kind regards,

      • Customer Success Team
      • Omnaya_Omar
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Iris Soliman Thank you for letting us know Iris! We haven't heard back from the course admins yet. However, we have sent them an update email with the info you have just shared. Hopefully someone will reply after the weekend. We'll be sure to keep you posted :)

      • Iris_Soliman
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Omnaya Omar Thanks ;-) Hope they won't take too mich time to answer...

    • Iris_Soliman
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hello, did you have news from the course team?

      • Customer Success Team
      • Omnaya_Omar
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Iris Soliman Hi Iris! Unfortunately no one has replied yet. I will escalate the issue to see what can be done.

      • Iris_Soliman
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Omnaya Omar Thanks very much ;-) 

    • Iris_Soliman
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hello, still nothing new as to my request, I presume? Cheers,

      • Customer Success Team
      • Omnaya_Omar
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Iris Soliman Hi Iris! Unfortunately, we have contacted the course admin many times and even tried alternate methods and still couldn't get a response back from them or their company. I will confer with our team and request permission to make the required changes myself since there has been no response for so long. I understand this wait must be frustrating. Thank you again so much for your patience.

      • Iris_Soliman
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Omnaya Omar Thanks very much for your help 😉

    • Iris_Soliman
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hello, still no news as to my issue? Cheers,

      • Customer Success & Onboarding Team Leader at OpenLearning
      • Alenka_Prezelj
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Iris Soliman Hi Iris, I'm re-checking this issue right now.

      Can you please just post a comment here: https://www.openlearning.com/courses/wastewater-technology/default_page/?cl=1 I understand there is no task set up (probably by error), so can you just say Hello, so this page will be completed.

      • Iris_Soliman
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Alenka Prezelj Just did that and my page is still marked as "incomplete"

      • Customer Success & Onboarding Team Leader at OpenLearning
      • Alenka_Prezelj
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Iris Soliman Ok, were you able to get the crossword completed / checked off? And the activity following?

      • Customer Success & Onboarding Team Leader at OpenLearning
      • Alenka_Prezelj
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Iris, I just tested all the activities on this page, and I was able to complete the page. Which item is missing on your end?

      • Customer Success & Onboarding Team Leader at OpenLearning
      • Alenka_Prezelj
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Ok, I see what you did. You posted "...." but in the wrong place. Please post something in the comment section:  

    • Iris_Soliman
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I completed all the stuff....The comments part at the bottom of the page simply doesn't work. By the way how can I write through a form that doesn't exist (neither on Chrome nor on Edge)???

      • Customer Success & Onboarding Team Leader at OpenLearning
      • Alenka_Prezelj
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Iris Soliman Hmm that is strange. I am using Chrome too and it worked for me. Can you try with an Incognito window?  

    • Iris_Soliman
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Just tried and still nothing. Now I noticed that bloc (ie, the one at the bottom of the page) on all the remaining web pages of this MOOC, but not on that very first one. Might be a web development issue, I don't know.

      • Customer Success & Onboarding Team Leader at OpenLearning
      • Alenka_Prezelj
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Iris Soliman Sorry, not sure what you mean. Can you create a screenshot of the comments section of this page? (https://www.openlearning.com/courses/wastewater-technology/default_page/?cl=1)

      • Customer Success & Onboarding Team Leader at OpenLearning
      • Alenka_Prezelj
      • 4 yrs ago
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      OK, I think I found the issue. Please try again.

      • Iris_Soliman
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Alenka Prezelj I confirm you found it! :-) 

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