How do I export course information?


Export a list of learners who have enrolled in your course


Export a history of all payments made in the course. This includes payment for enrolment and certification.




Export all learner posts for a particular course page.  

Related media and file attachments can be exported with the data fields.


Which modules, pages, or widgets have the highest completion?  

Please note that completion in these exports is expressed as the % of the total number of learners who completed this item. 


Completion Summary for Modules:


Completion Summary for Pages:


Completion Summary for Widgets:


Export learner's information such as profile name, course progress, etc.




Export all the course pages in html format. This can be used for moving your course content onto another system or archiving it.

This does not export learner artefacts (e.g. shared posts, comments, galleries, or feeds), only the static content.



Go to Course Setup > Exports and click on New Export

Under "Select Export Type", choose what you would like to export. Depending on what you pick, you might also have to add more information (ie: which class, which module, which page you'd like the information from)

Under "Data Columns" tick any extra data you'd like to receive in your export, and untick any data that you would not like in your export.


Under "Export" at the bottom of the page, choose the file type you'd like to export as (CSV is recommended) and then name your export.

Check to make sure all your settings have been saved. If not, click "Save"

At the top of the page, click Back to Export List

Your newly created export should appear on the list now. Click Run Export

A loading bar should appear as the export runs. Once it's complete, click Download to complete the process.

If your download does not open right away, you can most likely access it from your computer's "downloads" folder.


How do I export course comments?

How do I set up a survey widget and export the results?

How do I export learner data from my course?

Exporting 'Learner Page Completion - Overview' data.

Exporting 'Learner Page Completion - Detailed' data.

1 reply

    • UTeM_MOOC
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view



    1. Where can we refer to the detail documentation of data descriptions? For example #1, Kudos in Student Data, shown number in integer, what those numbers represent?
    data descriptions example #2;
    learner_id [string] – the unique, anonymous id assigned to the user (this is unique per user so you can see
    activity on more than one course.


    2. and is it possible to get detail what datatype for each data collect/store? for example #3 learner_id [string], enrolled_at [timestamp]  


    Thank you.

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