Progress has been reset/reduced

Dear support team, 

I have enrolled in Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia Asas 1 on 13 Nov 2021 and progressing until Topik 6- Keluarga. To my suprise I found out today that my progress has been reduced to 15% which until Topik 1- Pengenalan Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia. Would you kindly check this matter and help me on recovering the progress. Thank you in advance

3 replies

    • Michael_Jean
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    Hello there,


    Thank you very much for your message!


    You are unable to access those modules because you need to complete the previous ones first. 

    I understand you were able to access them before; however, the course creator must have changed some settings that now require you to finish the previous module before accessing the next one.

    If you click on Your progress - the progress bar on the top right will take you to the pages needing completion. Once you have completed Topik 2, Topik will open up, and so on.


    Also, please be aware that you need to add a comment at the bottom of those pages to complete them fully.

    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Dear Michael Jean facilitator,

    Thank you for your response.The course creator doesn't change the setting and every module can only be unlocked if we finish the previous module. Am well aware that I have to complete the previous module to move forward. The problem is, the progress that I have made so far up to Topik 6 somehow has been lost although i have completed all the previous module up to Topik 5. Here an example of a video assignment that I have uploaded to complete module topic 5. I hope this issue can be resolved. Thank you in advance.

    • Customer Success Advocate
    • Maria_Soneja
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi there, I see the course is self-paced, as my colleague Michael mentioned.

    I took a look and I see what you mean. From my end, it does show that you have reached Topik 6, however, in some of the pages it looks like the course admin had done a bit of update on what will count towards the learner's progress.

    To reach 100% completion on every page, please leave a comment so you can gain back access to the modules you've previously gone through.

    Also, please make sure to watch and finish ALL the videos in the course.

    Please let us know how it goes.

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