End-of-course assessment not loading for Micro credential in management for practitioners
Hi, why this end-of-course assessment page stays an empty page? I have completed all materials (98%) and the bar said I have completed 39 out of 40 pages. Please check this issue a.s.a.…
Open leaning Bugs
Hi Open Learning, I'm reporting a bug regarding my e-learning. I have completed listening to all the lectures in Lesson 4, download and read all the slides and posted my comments.…
HeRO Quantitative Research
Hello, Open leaning, I've registered for the course HeRO Quantitative Research which was supposed to end in September. However I tried to log in to the course today and it says course has ended,…
Bugs and Error
Hi, I have issues with the course. I have already submitted for Grammar & Vocabulary task on the Mixed Conditional, but it's still not full circle. Same thing happened when I was doing the writing…
Issue with course name
I am facing an issue whereby all of my copy courses name change and this affect the e-certificate awarded to my students. I already change the course name via course setup> general.…
Reinforced Reading quiz questions not loading
The questions for the quiz within the module will not load. This means I cannot progress in the course.
Unable to complete the last task to get the certificate
Hi, I am having an issue with one of the reading tasks - [Flex The Cortex]. I have answered the question and posted my answer twice but the status still states that I have yet to complete it.…
Theme 1: The Value of Time - Speaking
already done all exercise in speaking but still 99%. But not complete. Do help me. Please reply!
Unable to receive a certificate after completion of course even after the course description suggested receiving a certificate on completion
I completed a course regarding Dynamic of Leadership. Theprogrese shows 100 percent and that I've finished the course but the website shows that the student support services will give me…
Completed all tasks but still incomplete
I’ve completed all the tasks, but it states i still have 3 pages left.
Have completed all but no tick
I’ve completed answering and posted a text. But it still incomplete.
Unable to complete the task
I did complete and fill all the tasks but still marked as uncompleted
Unable to complete the task.
I am unable to choose the correct answer for Theme 4: Friends and Family-G&V. Grammar Practice 3: Phrasal Verbs multiple choice section, Question 2. https://www.openlearning.…
Stuck at 99% in Mixed conditionals Grammar part.
I have tried to submit my answer more than 4 times but the completion symbol still didn’t change made me difficult to complete 100% of the course.
Unable to complete tasks
I have completed every task however,I'm on 74% and it says I haven't visited 23 pages and I visited all pages
- Answered
Video Error
In Module 5.3 the video is not playing. And i haven't received my certificate with my name written.
Youtube Video Error
Always Having Problem With Completing The Course, Because Lot of Course Using Youtube Video. If the Video already remove by the owner/youtube, automatically can't complete the course even already 96%…
Unable to Complete Task
Hello, I'm Firdaus from Selangor. I have an issue regarding a module that I am partaking in; PRO-ELT ENHANCE (PROFICIENT) 2.0. The task that's unable to be completed is [Reading> Welcome Aboard-…
no permission
I have no permission to open my course. What should I do?
Hi. I'm at 99% in completing the course. However, I was stuck at 2 questions. On of them is on Theme 3: Social Issues (Grammar & Vocabulary) Self Test Grammar.…
Vehicle valuation e-learning course
Cannot submit 2 attempt in quiz for certification
Complete the tasks but my progress still 96%
hello, I need you help. I had complete all the tasks but my mark still 96%, not 100%. I tried many times but still can't. I don't know what to do. I hope you can help me give the solution.
- Answered
Complete the course
Hi, I need you help. I have new problem but still same as before. Its about my progress. I had complete all the tasks but my progress still 95%. I tried many times but still can't.…
Videos not playing
Hi. The provided videos are black/blank and not loading therefore i am unable to complete my tasks.
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