Glitch on Links to AI tools for Writing Self-Assessment
Hi, its show incomplete even though im done with this part.I've gone through the links given several times but still not completed. Pls Help. Writing - Theme 2 (Links to Al tools for writing…
Unable to complete the modules.
There are sections required to input inside the space provided, however there is no space provided in the page to complete the section. Unable to complete these sections to complete the course.
Why is it showing incorrect?
I've completed the following tasks and double checked but it keeps telling me that my answers are incorrect.
Wont let me finish this course
I had done almost all course and module but in module 2 musculoskeletal topic wont let me to finish though i revised this topic 16 times but it is still not fixing.…
https://www.openlearning.com/eltc/courses/pro-elt-enhance-2-0-/writing-task_1_let_s_think_write/?cl=1 im stuck here!!!completed all the task given already but the percentage wasn’t change (99%)…my…
Unable to access 'Antimicrobial Stewardship Course- The basics'
Hi i have trouble accessing this module, keep on showing on screen: 'sorry this class is currently closed, access restricted' Please advice on how to proceed next. Thank you. Regards, Ong XY
https://www.openlearning.com/eltc/courses/pro-elt-enhance-2-0-/writing-task_1_let_s_think_write/?cl=1 I think the page collapse. please help. 99percent was done......
Won't let me finish
Hi, I have 2 things left to do in 4.4 and 4.7 but the only thing I can see is that the video's are unavailable so I can't watch them. I have googled and watched them through utube but it still won't…
Unable to access Module 3 and beyond
I am unable to access module 3 , 4, 5, 6 of LKM 111 of Malay culture and language course. Look forward to your interventions at your earliest convenience.
Unable to submit student information sheet
Despite filling all the information required i am unable to submit the student information sheet. Some red alerts comes saying "this is required" how ever it is not clear what is required and i have…
failed to login in microsoft
On module 1 professional standard and codes, there are few links which i cant open and it says failed to login, canvas doesnt have an account although i have one.
can’t submit the quiz
I cant submit my quiz. Why ???? dont have any button to click submit
Can't advance to next module
I am currently enrolled in your course, “Air Pollution Dispersion Screening Model”. I am writing to bring your attention to a potential issue I encountered in Activity Check 1 (https://learning4life.…
THCT605 preliminary modules
Good morning, I have completed all activities that I can see in 204 The Post Critical Belief Scale 2.2 The Language of the PCB Scale yet it is only showing 93% complete.
Unable to complete course despite doing all the activities
HI! Recently I just completed a course and on the first task, it was stated that there is an uncompleted activity despite already doing the activity. Is this a bug or I'm not aware of what needs to…
Cannot access necessary CloudStor content - web design
Hello I cannot access the necessary CloudStor file for my course. I have attached the link provided in the course, and then the subsequent error. Can you please assist in me getting access to this…
Unable to load content
I have not been able to access certain resources and videos
Selecting the course registration button shuts down the app
When I click the button to register for the AI & ML short course, the app shuts down. There is no option to register via the website.
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