OpenLearning API: Documentation
Find the latest documentation for the OpenLearning API at: api.openlearning.com
OpenLearning API: User Provisioning and Single Sign On (with LTI)
If you operate an online service or web application, it is likely that your users will have a user account with your service. It is possible for your existing users to navigate to OpenLearning…
OpenLearning API: Managed Accounts, Institution Memberships, and External Identifiers
Managed Accounts OpenLearning allows the creation of user accounts on behalf of users, for customers with an Institution Portal. These user accounts are then managed by this institution,…
OpenLearning Widget Types
OpenLearning course pages are made up of widgets. Each widget can be identified by the following names: Content Widgets accessible_video_widget: A video player with added accessibility features…
How do I find a course or a class ID?
This guide demonstrates how you can get the Course ID and Class ID from our platform and API Course ID Class ID Course ID As a portal administrator, you can easily get this information from your…
OpenLearning API: Results of assessment
OpenLearning classes are assessed using Assessment Reports, which aggregate learning artefacts from the class around the course learning outcomes, and provide a rubric for assessing them.…
How to generate OpenLearning API Key
The OpenLearning API makes it easier for administrators and users to have open access to their data and a point of integration for easier interoperability between education technology systems.…
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