OpenLearning API: Results of assessment

OpenLearning classes are assessed using Assessment Reports, which aggregate learning artefacts from the class around the course learning outcomes, and provide a rubric for assessing them. The API allows you to report the results of assessment from these reports.

OpenLearning Assessment Reports

Assessment reports in OpenLearning typically adhere to the following structure:

  1. A list of Course Outcomes which are to be evaluated,
  2. For each course outcome, a list of evaluation criteria is specified (how to evaluate each outcome),
  3. For each evaluation criteria, each learner's evidence is collected from various activities (as artefacts of knowledge and learning experience),
  4. For each of the evaluation criteria, an assessment result for each learner is recorded based on the provided evidence.


  • Course outcome 1
    • Criterion 1a
      • Rubric: Assess learner's evidence: "A", "B", and "C" and give a grade out of 100.
        • Learner i.
          • Evidence:
            • Artefact A
            • Artefact B
            • Artefact C
          • Result:
            • Grade out of 100
        • Learner ii.
          • ...
        • Learner iii.
          • ...
    • Criterion 1b
      • Rubric: Assess learner's evidence: "X", "Y", and "Z" and select from one of: "Fail", "Pass", "Credit", "Distinction", or "High Distinction".
        • Learner i.
          • Evidence:
            • Artefact X
            • Artefact Y
            • Artefact Z
          • Result:
            • Grade Category "High Distinction"
        • Learner ii.
          • ...
        • Learner iii.
          • ...
  • Course outcome 2
    • Criterion 2a
      • Rubic: ...
        • Learner i.
          • ...
        • Learner ii.
          • ...
        • Learner iii.
          • ...
    • etc.

Course outcomes may have multiple evaluation criteria, which each have different methods of evaluation.

Some reports consist only of quiz results; these are automatically evaluated and instead of referring to rubric criteria, they instead refer to quiz sections on course pages (activity blocks).

Reporting Results

Endpoint: /classes/{class_id}/results   (see API documentation).

The /classes/{class_id}/results API endpoint allows you to report the results of assessment from a report.


The Response Data is of the following format:

  "data": {
    "reports": [
        "id": "report_id",
        "description": "string",
        "revisions": [
    "rubric_evaluations": [
        "id": "criterion_id",
        "name": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "weight": 0,
        "categories": [
            "id": "category_id",
            "description": "string",
            "name": "string",
            "value": 0
    "auto_evaluations": [
        "block_id": "block_id",
        "page_path": "string",
        "outcome_ids": [
        "total_score": 0
    "users": [
        "id": "user_id",
        "profile_name": "string",
        "full_name": "string",
        "profile_url": "string",
        "profile_image": "string"
    "results": [
        "report_id": "report_id",
        "report_revision": "revision_id",
        "user_id": "user_id",
        "outcome_id": "outcome_id",
        "outcome_name": "string",
        "criterion_id": "criterion_id",
        "criterion_name": "string",
        "block_id": "block_id",
        "grade": 0,
        "grade_category": "string",
        "final_grade": 0,
        "last_modified": "2023-09-05T02:08:26.526Z",
        "assessor_id": "user_id"


Report Revisions

Each report may have several revisions, the "reports" property lists each report with a list of revisions. Each result will refer to which revision of a report it was assessed against by referring to one of these IDs with the "report_revision" property.

Rubric Evaluations: Criteria Evaluated by an Assessor

The "rubric_evaluations" property lists all the ways that results will be evaluated by an assessor. This may include categories which represent ranges of results, or levels of achievement. These evaluation criteria may also specify how much these criteria contribute to the final grade via the "weight" property. Each of these criteria has an ID which is referred to in the results as the "criterion_id".

Automatic Evaluations: Criteria Evaluated Automatically

If a course has been set up with Quiz/Examination reports, the "auto_evaluations" property will report a list of automatically assessed criteria that are set up for a particular quiz page.


The "results" property lists all the results across all reports for this class. These can be grouped into different reports using the "report_id" property (and "report).

Results can be grouped by Course Learning Outcome by using the "outcome_id" property. The "outcome_name" property will provide the full text of the learning outcome.

Results can be grouped by learner using the "user_id" property. These refer to learners in the top level "users" property.

Results will also have the properties:

  • "grade": the un-weighted evaluation of this criterion for this learner
  • "final_grade": the scaled result (grade * weight) of this criterion for this learner (as per the weight of the criterion)

If the result is for a rubric evaluation:

Results of rubric evaluations will have the properties:

  • "criterion_id"
  • "criterion_name"

Which refer to the items in "rubric_evaluations".

If the criterion is a type that has grade categories the result will also specify a "grade_category".


If the result is for an automatic evaluation:

Results of automatic evaluations will have the property "block_id", referring to the page section which

This refers to a criterion under the top-level "auto_evaluations" list with the corresponding "block_id".



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