How do I set up a certificate that will be issued for a bundle of two (or more) courses?
If your subscription includes Accredible, you can set up and issue a certificate for two or more courses together. Step 1 Set up the courses as pre-requisites.…
What type of credentials can you set up on OpenLearning?
OpenLearning certificate Accredible credentials Accredible credentials for OpenCreds
How do I set up an OpenLearning PDF certificate for my course?
In this article How do I enable certifications through OpenLearning? How do I set up a certificate to be free or paid? To set up a free certificate To set up a paid certificate How do I set up the…
How do I set up Accredible credentials in my course?
In this article... Setting up Accredible credentials in your course Issuing Accredible credentials How do I share my credential? Before we begin, please make sure Accredible is enabled for your…
How do I set up and issue Accredible credentials for an OpenCreds course?
In this article... How do I set up Accredible credentials for my OpenCred course? How do I issue Accredible credentials? How do I share my credential? The below only applies to any courses that have…
How do I create an OL achievement/badge for my course?
In this article How to create an achievement How can I edit or delete an achievement? How to set up an achievement to be issued on page completion OpenLearning has a range of features for creating…
How do I set up an achievement upon page completion?
Note: OpenLearning badges are now called Achievements. In order to set up an achievement to automatically issue upon a learner's completion of a certain page, please follow these instructions:…
How to set up Accredible credentials in your institution portal
Contents Setting up Accredible Creating a credential design on Accredible Setting up dynamic educator name, position, and signature (optional) Next: Setting up your credential design in your course…
How do learners experience OL achievements/badges?
In this article How are achievements (previously called badges) displayed for learners? Where can I see which learners have been issued an achievement?…
How do I disable certification for a course?
In this article: Disable certification for a course Hide the Certificate of Completion Section on the Course Landing Page (Optional) Here is a guide on how to disable certification for any of your…
What are the different Course Types?
In this article What are Course Types on OpenLearning? What are the different Course Types? How do I set up a course as a Micro-credential or a Short Course? How do I list a course as an OpenCred?…
How do I issue an achievement?
In this article Where do I issue an achievement? Issuing manually Based on kudos Upon course completion Upon page completion Note: OpenLearning badges are now called Achievements.…
How do I issue an OpenLearning PDF certificate?
In this article... Automatically Manually There are two options for issuing certificates on OpenLearning: Automatically: Certificates will be issued to learners automatically upon reaching 100%…
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