How do I set up an OpenLearning PDF certificate for my course?

Here is a  guide on how to enable and set up an OpenLearning PDF certificate for any of your courses.

Make sure the certification is enabled. Go to Course Setup > Advanced > Certification Settings in your course and tick  "Enable certifications through OpenLearning". 


Go to Credentials > Setup > Credential type and choose "OpenLearning PDF Certificate".


Go to Credentials > Setup > Price and tick Free.

Click Save.

Go to Credentials > Setup > Price and tick Paid.

Enter the base price.

Enable or disable automatic FX conversion for other currencies.

Enter your institution name in the Certified By field.

Step 5

Click Save.

If you are setting up a paid certificate (or course) for the first time you may need to set up a Stripe Connect account first. Click here to learn more.


 When you have a paid certificate set up, learners will be able to pay at any time by clicking the Get Certified tab in the navigation panel. The above shows what it looks like from the learner's view. If you have set the section titled Automatically issue credential on completion of the course to No and the learner has paid for the certificate, you could issue the certificate manually to the learner even though the learner hasn't achieved 100% completion of the course. If you set it to Yes, the learner will only receive it upon the completion of the course.


To see what your paid certificate preview looks like, click Preview and edit in the Additional Payment Information, then click View.


To add a Heading and Body Text to the preview of your certificate, click Edit. Then click the Save button located on the Credential Setup page.

Please refer to How do I issue an OL PDF certificate?


Go to Credentials > Appearance and set up the following items:


- Background design - It can be a template or custom (custom background must be either JPG or PNG file). 

If you'd like to set up a custom certificate background, please refer to https://help.openlearning.com/t/h4rntc/how-to-set-up-a-customised-certificate-background


- Institution logo - This image should be about 300 pixels wide and 80 pixels tall. Logos can be wider than 300 pixels but they will be resized down to 80 pixels tall. 

- Custom text - You may customise these to your preference.

Here is a sample:


- Teacher signature - This image should be 200 pixels wide and 60 pixels tall. It is recommended that the file format is PNG, as this allows you to have a transparent background, the like sample below:


Currently,  there is only one field allocated for a single signature. However, if you need two signatures, there is a workaround - you may add two signatures in a single image. Don't forget to include two educator names and titles in the teacher information.


- Teacher information - Fill out the educator's name and educator title.


Click on Preview to check everything looks fine and Save to finish.

Here is the example certificate, bearing the above sample appearance settings:



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