Can I get a certificate for doing a course?
In this article Is there a certificate available for the course I'm doing? What is a certificate ID? Is there a certificate available for the course I'm doing?…
Where do I get my certificate or badge?
There are a few ways you can download your certificate or badge. 1. An e-mail notification Upon completion of your course, you'll receive an email from either OpenLearning or Accredible (depending on…
How to set up Accredible credentials in your institution portal
Contents Setting up Accredible Creating a credential design on Accredible Setting up dynamic educator name, position, and signature (optional) Next: Setting up your credential design in your course…
How do I set up a certificate that will be issued for a bundle of two (or more) courses?
If your subscription includes Accredible, you can set up and issue a certificate for two or more courses together. Step 1 Set up the courses as pre-requisites.…
Why haven't I received my certificate?
In this article You have not reached 100% completion in the course The certificate is in your spam or other junk folder Your OpenLearning account is under a different email address The course does…
How do I set up an OpenLearning PDF certificate for my course?
In this article How do I enable certifications through OpenLearning? How do I set up a certificate to be free or paid? To set up a free certificate To set up a paid certificate How do I set up the…
How do I issue an OpenLearning PDF certificate?
In this article... Automatically Manually There are two options for issuing certificates on OpenLearning: Automatically: Certificates will be issued to learners automatically upon reaching 100%…
How do I set up Accredible credentials in my course?
In this article... Setting up Accredible credentials in your course Issuing Accredible credentials How do I share my credential? Before we begin, please make sure Accredible is enabled for your…
How to set up a customised certificate background
You can set up a custom certificate background within the institution, that can be used across all of your courses. Step 1 Go to Institution Settings > Appearance and scroll down to Certificate…
5. Setting up credentials
Guide: OpenLearning Basics - Contents Creating your course URL Roles and permissions Understanding classes Setting course dates Setting up credentials I'm a beginner course creator.…
How do I set up and issue Accredible credentials for an OpenCreds course?
In this article... How do I set up Accredible credentials for my OpenCred course? How do I issue Accredible credentials? How do I share my credential? The below only applies to any courses that have…
How do I verify certificates and badges?
We have made it really simple for potential employers and other authorities to verify the credentials (certificates and badges) you have earned on the OpenLearning platform.…
What is an institution portal?
An institution portal is a great way to showcase all of your organisation's courses under one portal page, complete with your own branding elements. With an Institution Portal, you can:…
How do I change the name on my certificate?
If you'd like to change the name that appears on your certificate, you will need to update your display name. Step 1 Click on your profile icon in the top right corner, and then click on My Profile.…
I lost my certificate and the course is now closed. Help!
No worries! If you lost your certificate, you can still download it from your profile - even if the course has already finished. Step 1 Go to http://www.openlearning.com and log in.…
When do I receive my paid certificate?
Some courses offer certificates for an extra fee. You can pay for the certificate at any point while doing the course, however, you will not receive the certificate until you have reached 100%…
Public documentation regarding certificates.