Why isn't the number of learners displayed on the portal and course landing pages?
Institution portal landing page The number of learners in a course is displayed in the course tile on the portal landing page if the number of enrolled learners is higher than 20.…
How do I share a video with my learners so that they can also download it?
Typically, you would use Video widget or Accessible video widget. However, these two don't allow the learners to download the videos to their devices for offline use.…
Page Settings
In this article Page Settings Community Access Completion Advanced Copy Page Settings Each course page comes with its own Settings. To open the available options,…
How can I use blogs on OpenLearning?
In this article How can I create a blog on OpenLearning? How can I set up my blog? How can I use a blog with an online course? History of blogs Blogs in education Recommended blog activities…
OpenLearning Glossary
New to the platform and not sure about all the platform lingo? Here's a glossary to help! Scroll through the page or press CTRL+F to do a keyword search.…
What can I do with tags on OpenLearning?
What are tags? Tags on OpenLearning allow you to create highly curated and engaging experiences within your courses. There are two main types of tags with different functions: 1.…
How do I add a video call option to my course?
In this article ZOOM Integration MS Teams Meeting No integration? Share the link within your course Video chat is a great way to engage with your learners.…
How do I change my course title?
While you cannot change a course URL, you may decide to change your course title. Follow the steps below to change the course title: Step 1 Go to Course Setup > General Step 2 Edit the Course Name…
What is a course feed and how do I use it to facilitate my class?
Every class on OpenLearning has a course feed. When you create a new course, the link to the feed will appear on the side navigation by default. What is a course feed?…
What can you see in the course feed?
The Course Feed contains all the activity happening across all pages in the course - including posts, comments, and replies made by learners or teachers - in one easy-to-find location.…
How do I view my course as a learner?
Excepting the teacher tools in your left-hand navigation (Administer Learners and Course Setup), and the Edit button on the pages, the rest of the course is visible to your learners exactly how you…
Where can I learn how to build a course on OL?
Building a course on OpenLearning isn't just about figuring out the platform, but how to most effectively teach a class that will keep your learners engaged and excited to keep learning!…
What do emails sent from OpenLearning look like to learners?
Please refer to this article.
How can I change the course creator?
The course creator is the person who originally built the course on OpenLearning. They are automatically enroled as an admin in their own course and have all the same privileges as any other admins.…
How do I set a time limit on my course content?
In this article How do I set a time limit on my course content? How do I set up the access dates/times for modules? How do I set up due dates/times for pages?…
How do I copy a course?
In this article Why copy a course? How do I copy a course? a) if you are a course administrator b) if you are an institution administrator What gets copied across to the new course?…
How do I set up a discount for my course?
Setting up discount codes in your course enables you to offer promotional pricing for learners. Follow the steps below to set up discount codes in your course.…
How do I set up pre-enrolment questions for my course?
In this article... Creating pre-enrolment questions for your class How do I export the information gathered from pre-enrolment questions? How do I edit pre-enrolment questions after my course is…
How do I update Portfolio settings within my course?
Portfolios are a fantastic opportunity for learners to showcase their learning artefacts and achievements that truly reflect their skills, personal development and capabilities for prospective…
How to embed Google Drive folder on a course page?
You can share files with your learners via the File widget. However, if you would like to share a large number of files, you might want to organise the files in folders or even subfolders.…
How do I embed a Google form into my course?
These instructions explain how to create a survey and embed that survey into an OpenLearning course using Google Forms. They also explain how to make the response data viewable for learners in an…
How do I embed a PowerPoint presentation into my course?
To simply add your PowerPoint slides as a scrollable file on a page, you may upload them to the File widget. However, in order to add an animated or interactive PowerPoint to your course,…
How can I display a course in right-to-left format?
Right-to-left (RTL) script is writing that begins in the top right of a page and continues to the left. Arabic, Urdu and Hebrew are some common RTL writing systems.…
How do I embed a Keynote Presentation?
Step 1 Open your presentation in Keynote and click the Collaborate button. Step 2 Under "Choose how you want to send your invitation" click on Copy Link.…
Download The OpenLearning Creators' Handbook
You can also download The OpenLearning Creators' Handbook (PDF) here.
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