Assignments that require submission of a picture

There seems to be an issue with assignments where you're uploading a picture with an optional description.  In two assignments of this type, I press submit and it just never goes through.  Several other people in my class are having the same issue.  Can you help? Thanks!

3 replies

    • Customer Success Team
    • Omnaya_Omar
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi there! Can you please share a link to the page or course where this issue occurs?

      • Lizz_Bohl
      • 5 yrs ago
      • Reported - view
      • Customer Success Team
      • Omnaya_Omar
      • 5 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Lizz Bohl Thank you Lizz! It looks like this is a version 1 course, which is no longer supported on our platform. If you are taking this course through a school or company, I would recommend contacting them on how you should proceed.

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  • Status No Fix Planned
  • 5 yrs agoLast active
  • 3Replies
  • 47Views
  • 2 Following