Stuck di Modul 1

Minta bantuan bagaimana cara utk selesaikan masalah bahagian Menetapkan Matlamat kerana selalu keluar "Failed to load data"

4 replies

    • L2 Customer Success Advisor
    • vinil
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    Terima kasih kerana berhubung OpenLearning Support!

    Kami mempunyai beberapa masalah dengan kursus AKPK yang menyebabkan kesilapan ini, tetapi masalah ini kini telah ditetapkan dan anda sepatutnya dapat melihat halaman lagi.

    Tolong berikan cubaan dan beritahu kami bagaimana cara anda melakukannya?

    Terima kasih!

    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    • Kaishab
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hello , I have completed the course named as " Industries and the world of work " but due to some problem in website i can not play the videos in 1st module , playing the videos facing this problem  (Playback on other Websites has been disabled by the video owner) that is why i am not able to complete the course ,kindly fix this problem as soon as possible so that i may download certificate

      • Customer Success Team
      • Omnaya_Omar
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Kaishab Hi there! 

      OpenLearning provides the learning platform for organisations and individuals to teach their courses. If you have any platform or technical issues, you can always ask us!  

      But for course-specific and content-related queries, they would need to be answered by the course facilitator. You could either comment within the course for the facilitator to reply, or you could send them a direct message on their profile page, if they have chat enabled.

Content aside

  • 4 yrs agoLast active
  • 4Replies
  • 21Views
  • 5 Following