LTI: Signing into OpenLearning via the e-LATiH/Go1 portal

The LTI integration with e-LATiH/Go1 enables learners to sign into OpenLearning using their existing e-LATiH/Go1 credentials. You'll need to set things up in both e-LATiH/Go1 and OpenLearning to enable the integration.

You can set up the integration within each individual OpenLearning course.

Setting up LTI in the course: You'll need to do this each time you create a new class in OpenLearning.

Go to your course on OpenLearning (and make sure you are in the correct class) and go to Administer Learners > Advanced.

Enter your OpenLearning password and click Request Credentials.

Go to your course on the e-LATiH/Go1 portal, and then click on the Edit button.


Under the Structure tab, click on the Add learning field, and then scroll down or select or type in LTI Tool.

Enter a title for the LTI, and hit Enter, and a box for the LTI tool should appear on the right side.

On the LTI box, click on the Edit button

Fill in the required authentication credentials obtained from the OpenLearning course including the Launch URL, Key and Secret key.

and click the dropdown for 'LTI launch presentation document target', and select window.

On the top-right corner, click on the Save & Exit button


On the top-right corner, click on the Publish button to set the course to go live.

The course will then be submitted to the e-LATiH/Go1 team for reviewing purposes before enable to be publicly available to learners.

Once the course(s) are ready, from the e-LATiH/Go1 Portal Dashboard click on the “Submit my training” tile, which opens up an email to allow you to capture the course titles that you would like to submit.

Once submitted, Go1 makes these courses available to HRDC for curation (timeline mostly dependent on the HRDC process for reviewing courses).

Once curated by HRDC the courses are then made available in e-LATiH/Go1.

From the e-LATiH/Go1 dashboard, enrol on a course by clicking on the Get Started button.

Click on the Start button

Note: There is going to be a one-time synchronization for both accounts which automatically occurs in the background to avoid any downtime so learners are automatically logged in to the course.

Select “Create a new OpenLearning Profile” if the learner does not have an OpenLearning account.
Select “Use my existing OpenLearning account Profile” to use the existing OpenLearning account.

Either create an account or log into your existing OpenLearning account (FYI: learners will also see this same prompt when going to OpenLearning from e-LATiH/Go1 portal the first time).

If the course is live, you will automatically be enrolled in the OpenLearning course and will be able to access it right away.


The current LTI integration has the limitation where it does not fetch the learning progress from OpenLearning over to the e-LATiH/Go1 platform.


In order for e-LATiH/Go1 to recognise the learner’s progress or completion of the course on OL the current workaround is either:

Workaround 1

Step 1

The content provider needs to set up a page/module on the e-LATiH/Go1 course to request the learner to share their OL progress page screenshot.

Step 2

Upon submission, the learner will be flagged as completed automatically on the e-LATiH/Go1 platform.


Workaround 2

Step 1

The content provider sets up the digital credential for course completion on OpenLearning.

Step 2

The course provider sets up a page/module on the e-LATiH/Go1 course to request the learner to share their certificate of completion. 

Step 3

Upon submission, the learner will be flagged as completing the course automatically on the e-LATiH/Go1 platform.



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