Custom Terms & Conditions for your institution

You can now choose to display your custom Terms and Conditions in all courses under your institution. Learners must agree to these T&Cs before being able to access the course content.

Please follow the steps below to set this up for your institution.

Step 1

Go to Institution Settings > Advanced

Step 2

Scroll down to Custom Terms and Conditions and click on the checkbox Enable custom terms and conditions.

Step 3 

The file uploader box will now be visible. Click on it to upload or just drag & drop the file from your device in here.

Note that the file format needs to be in PDF.

Step 4

You'll see a tick with the message Uploaded if the upload is successful.

Learners View


When a learner enrols into the course for the first time, they will see the pop up modal with the custom institution T&Cs. 

They will need to scroll and view the whole T&C and click on the checkbox to agree with the Terms and Condition and click on the Next button to proceed.

Note: If you do have pre-enrolment questions set up for the class, the learner will need to complete it first before they are prompted with the T&C above.



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  • 7 mths agoLast active
  • 53Views
  • 2 Following