How to set your institution portal to online/offline and public or private

You can change the status of your institution, based on where you are up to in your portal creation and launch process.

When you're setting up your portal, it's best to keep the portal Offline. This means that institution administrators can edit and build the portal, without anyone else being able to access it.

Anyone else (team, learners) who tries to access an offline portal will see the following screen:

This includes Institution Administrators who are not logged in.

When you're ready for others to access your portal, you should turn it Online.

Go to Institution Settings > Institution Marketing > General.

Toggle between Offline and Online and click Save. 



You can set your Institution type to be Public or Private.

  • Public means that anyone can access the institution portal landing page
  • Private means that anyone with the link will be directed to an institution login page. Only previously invited members will be able to access the landing page.

Go to Institution Settings > Institution Marketing > General.

Select Public as the Institution Type.


An example of what a user sees when an institution is set to Public and Online:

Go to Institutions (on the top bar)> the cog icon on the drop-down Institution Settings > Institution Marketing > General.

Select Private as the Institution Type.

 An example of what a user sees when an institution is set to Private and Online:

In this scenario, you can keep the portal as Offline, as no one else requires access to it.

In this scenario, the best option would be to set the portal to Online and Private.

This means that:

  • No one can access the course without having first been invited (see how to invite users to a portal)
  • Team members who access the portal URL will see the login page, instead of the "Oh no!" message that appears for an Offline course.

Scenario 3: I'm ready to start promoting my portal! I want any learners to be able to access my portal and enrol in courses.

In this scenario, you should set the portal to Online and Private. You also need to invite learners to the portal before they can access it.

Who has access to the portal when the portal status is:


  • The institution administrator role can see the portal landing page and access the institution settings.

  • The course creator role can see the portal landing page and is unable to access the institution settings.

  • The educator role is unable to see the portal landing page and unable to access the institution settings.

  • Learners are unable to see the portal landing page and unable to access the institution settings.

Online institution type = private

  • The institution administrator role can see the portal landing page and access the institution settings.

  • The course creator and educator role can see the portal landing page and are unable to access the institution settings.

  • Learners that are already added to the portal are able to see the portal landing page and unable to access the institution settings.

  • Learners that haven't been added to the portal are unable to see the portal landing page and unable to access the institution settings.

Online institution type = Public

  • The institution administrator role can see the portal landing page and access the institution settings.

  • The course creator role can see the portal landing page and is unable to access the institution settings.

  • The educator role can see the portal landing page and is unable to access the institution settings.

  • Learners can see the portal landing page.



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