LTI: Signing into OpenLearning via Moodle

The LTI integration with Moodle enables learners to sign into OpenLearning using their existing Moodle credentials. You'll need to set things up in both Moodle and OpenLearning to enable the integration.

You can set up the integration either within each individual OpenLearning course or at the institution level.

A. Setting up LTI in the course: You'll need to do this each time you create a new class in OpenLearning

B. Setting up LTI in the institution: You will only need to do this once.

The following guide is for A. Setting up LTI in the course

For B. Setting up LTI in the institution, see similar steps in the LTI Overview section here.

Setting up LTI in the course

Step 1

Go to your course (and make sure you are in the correct class) and go to Administer Learners > Advanced

Step 2

Enter your OpenLearning password and click Request Credentials.

Step 3

Go to your Moodle course, go into Edit mode and click Add an activity or resource.

Step 4

Select External Tool

Step 5

Click on General to expand the view and click on the Show More link to show the extra fields that you need to fill up.

Step 6

Fill in all of the required details;

  • A) Ensure the Launch container is set to New Window as the default option will be Embed (which is not supported by the platform)
  • B) Consumer key - Enter the key that was generated from OpenLearning
  • C) Shared Secret - Enter the secret that was generated from OpenLearning
  • D) Tool URL - Enter the launch URL that was generated from OpenLearning

Step 7

Scroll down and click on either one of the Save options below;

Step 8

Click the OpenLearning activity link you just created.

Step 9

On the first launch, you will be redirected to our SSO page to that will give you the option to either create an account or log into your existing OpenLearning account (FYI: learners will also see this same prompt when going to OpenLearning from Moodle the first time).

 Step 10

If you used the credentials from within the course (Administer Learners > Advanced):

You will be automatically enrolled in the OpenLearning course and will be able to access (if it is live).

If you used the credentials from Institution Settings > Integrations:

Link this Moodle instance to a course and/or class in OpenLearning. (This will only happen once, the first time OpenLearning is launched from Moodle).



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