Telehealth: 'About you' page

Hi, for the Telehealth course I am unable to complete the 'About you' page because there are no options for me to post a thought or image.


My friend said underneath there should be options that say post an image or thought but this feature is not available to me.

2 replies

    • Customer Success & Onboarding Team Leader at OpenLearning
    • Alenka_Prezelj
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Stephen! 

    Sorry to hear you're having this issue. 
    Here's what you should be seeing:


    Could you please try:

    - if you aren't already, please use Chrome

    - if you are on Chrome, make sure it's updated to the latest version

    - if you are on the latest version of Chrome, and it still isn't working, please give it a go on the incognito browser window


    Hope this helps!

      • Stephen_prior
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Alenka Prezelj Thank you, this worked

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