The Team Player course show 75% progress when i have completed all the related task given

In "The Team Player" course. On "Module 1" in the "Who is a Team Player", theres one more progress that i do not know how to finish it

Theres a direction on the last line in page who is a team player says that i need to click next, but when i look for it, it only says final activity next (is the 2nd module and not the first module)


Could help me regarding this matter

1 reply

    • Customer Success and Onboarding Associate
    • Ferry_Darmadi
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi M. Fikri,

    Thanks for getting in touch.

    We have received your email regarding the same issue and will reply and continue this discussion via email.

    Many thanks.

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