Module 1 will not show as complete

I have completed “Nurturing, Healing, Love” several times in module 1 and it is still showing as incomplete.

4 replies

    • Customer Success Team
    • Omnaya_Omar
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Kristen! To complete Nurturing, Healing, Love please make sure you do the following:

    -Read the whole page

    -Watch the video all the way to the very end

    -Post your activity response in the widget

    If you're still having issues, please let us know!

      • Kristen_Ford
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Omnaya Omar hi thank you so much. I’m having issues with the other modules as well. It’s not registering that I am completing them!

      • Customer Success Team
      • Omnaya_Omar
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Kristen Ford Here are some things you can try in order to make sure each page in your course is completed properly!

      Please click on the green progress bar at the top right of your course page in order to check which pages are incomplete.

      On each of the incomplete pages, make sure you:

      • Read through all of the course material all the way to the bottom of the page
      • Watch each video all the way to the end. (Some pages have multiple videos. Please be aware!)
      • Submit any Activity answers in the appropriate widget.
      • Some pages require you to leave a comment at the bottom of the page
      • Don't forget to interact with any clickable activities or tick off any available checklists as well

      If you’re still having trouble, try completing the page again in the latest version of Google Chrome as this is the most compatible browser with OpenLearning. You can also try using a different device to access the page.

      • Kristen_Ford
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Omnaya Omar Thank you so much! 

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