Hide 'last edited by image' to students

As a course creator, I'd like the 'Last edited by' image in the bottom left of a course page to not be visible to students. It is useful information for those creating a course with others but this information is accessible in the 'History'.

Sometimes other people help create courses and when students have an issue they contact them as they are listed and their image is displayed even though they needn't be contacted by students for any reason.

2 replies

    • David_Collien
    • 6 yrs agoThu, October 4, 2018 at 9:23 AM UTC
    • Reported - view

    Perhaps a page-by-page setting (as a course creator may wish to open up editing of particular pages to their students, for co-creating some parts of the content - e.g. a collaborative community-authored resource) with the ability to set a default for what the core course pages display

    • Nick_Jones
    • 6 yrs agoFri, October 5, 2018 at 2:01 AM UTC
    • Reported - view

    This would be a nice new feature. As far as I can tell, currently course creators can't open up editing of pages to students, is that right? My more immediate initial question is whether students need to see who last edited the page at all, and whether course creators need to see it permanently on every page. The info is available in the 'History' of the page, which can be looked into when desired. The logic behind this is to reduce the cognitive load on course creators and students by having only things of high importance that are related to learning (and not solely to platform mechanics) visible on a page.

Content aside

  • 3 Votes
  • 6 yrs agoFri, October 5, 2018 at 2:01 AM UTCLast active
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