Course pricing visibility on the course landing page and course tile
Reminder: The cost of the course is determined by the pricing set for the class in your course. To set up paid classes, please refer to our article here.
All cost information on the course landing page and course tile page is for marketing purposes.
How to set this up
Step 1
Go to Course Promo > Landing Page
Step 2
Scroll down to Course Cost and you should see these options;
- Show cost (default)
- Hide cost
- Custom format
Step 3
Select Custom format
Step 4
Include your copy (string) in the text area in addition to using the {default_cost} variable to customise the cost display.
NOTE: We recommend keeping the copy clear and concise as it will be cut off after 50-60 characters (about 30 characters per line) on the course tile.
Step 5
Scroll down and click Save. You can click on View Landing Page to preview how this would look on the landing page before turning the course Online.
Here are some examples of how you can use the custom option for your marketing purposes;
1) A combination of variable + any string
{default_cost} Take this course today!
2) Any string
Cost depends on your eligibility.
3) Strike through cost to market course better using this format:
~~original cost before sale~~
~~$500(AUD)~~ {default_cost} SALE
Pro tip: You can use markup language (HTML) to change the default text color for the course pricing. Changes should be visible on both the course tile and the course landing page.
In the example below we used HTML to display the original cost before the sale in red color.
<p style="color:red;">~~$500(AUD)~~ </p>{default_cost} SALE
In this example, the given HTML code is used to display a price with a discount offer.
<p style="color:#094967"><span style="font-weight:bold">{default_cost}</span><br>Save 30%!</p>
Where will these show up
- Course landing page
- Course Tile on your portal landing page and OpenLearning Marketplace (if it is listed in the Marketplace).