Keep getting” please try again “

I have done answering questions for task 3 report ed structures but when I submitted the answer its said please try again. Ive try many times!!! I think ive written the right answer🥺I don’t know what to do
21 replies
Hi Rosemini, can you please share the link to this page so we can check this for you?
Sorry Miss Alenka … for that link I’ve already got the answers . Now I’m having the same problem with another practice. Where can we check the answer coz we keep getting the wrong answer!!!😩
this the link for the contextual clues practice.....
sorry for bothering you
Tq Mr. Ferry . I’ve answered the questions👍👍😄
Hello Mr Ferry.. sorry for bothering you again. I’m having problems checking the right answer for Grammar practice 2 : cohessive devices and self test 2 - question 2.!!! Couldn’t get the right answers😱😱🥺🥺
Can I know which questions I get it right and which is wrong? If not I keep answering and getting the wrong answer!!!😓😓
Thanks Mr ronaldo