Who do I contact when I have a course specific query?

If you have an issue or query related to something course-specific, such as the learning materials, certificates, access code or pricing, it is best to contact the course facilitator or administrator.

You can usually identify them by looking at the comments - it will say "Facilitator" next to their name.

If you can't find any comments, you might also check the bottom of the page where you will see the name of the person who last edited the page. Please note that this might or might not always be the course facilitator, as organisations sometimes hire learning designers to create and edit the course pages.

Post a comment on a course page

You can post a comment on the page that the issue is referring to. If it's a general question, we suggest posting it on the homepage. When you leave a comment, the course staff is notified.

If they have enabled chat, you can send them a private message from their profile page.

To access their profile page, click on their name where you see it in the course (next to their comment or post).

 In order to be able to send a chat message, your chat must also be enabled.

How do I enable chat?

If you can’t find a comment by the course facilitator, you could try finding a link to their profile page on the course landing page. 

If you are not enrolled in the course yet, that should be easy. Simply go to the course landing page and scroll down to find the Who is Supporting You section.


Sometimes the course staff posts their email somewhere in the course. Sometimes they create a Contact page, or they simply post it on the course homepage or the last page in the course. 

You can also try leaving a comment on a page inside the course. A fellow learner might be able to help you out. 


If you are still having trouble, you can also check our Help pages or contact OpenLearning Support.

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