What should a learner do when they go offline during an exam?

One of the challenges in online learning might be if you have an unstable internet connection. If you happen to be working on a timed exam and suddenly lose your internet connection don’t worry, here are a few steps you can take as a workaround.

Here are a few scenarios that might happen and their workarounds:

  • If you lose your internet connection during an assessment, you may keep answering questions up to the point at which you have to click the Submit button.

  • If you are answering multiple-choice questions and you go offline, then select the option(s) like you normally would, but do not click Submit until you are back online.

  • If you are uploading an image, video or other file and you go offline, then keep the file, and do not upload and click Submit until you are back online.

  • If you are entering a post (that is, typing words) and you go offline, then type the words into a Word document or similar, and do not enter the post and click Submit until you are back online.

If your exam time finishes before you are back online, and hence you are unable to submit your answers, send either:

  • A screenshot of your multiple-choice answers; and/or

  • Files (including Word files with typed posts)

to your facilitator straight after the assessment time has expired. Your facilitator will be able to advise you on the correct procedure to take from here. 


If you accidentally click Submit while offline, you will receive an error message. In most cases, you will not be able to resubmit. However, do not refresh your page. Take a screenshot of the error message for proof, and then close the error message down, and follow the same process as above - that is, send either a screenshot of your answers, your answer files, or both, to your facilitator straight after the end of the assessment.


To find out how to get in touch with the course facilitator please read our guide 

Who do I contact when I have a course-specific query?



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