3. Understanding classes

A class is a cohort of learners who complete a course together. You can have multiple classes running at the same time or running at different times.
When you create a course on OpenLearning, a featured public/open class is created for you. You can add an unlimited number of additional classes of different types. Classes can be free, paid, public or private (manual enrolment or access code based).
To view, change, or add the classes in your course, go to Course Setup > Classes. To edit class settings, click on Edit.
Please note that any changes you make in the course content will carry over to all classes in the course.
How do I set up and edit classes?
What's the difference between closing a class and setting the course offline?
Learn more about anything class-related
5 replies
If a class is also a cohort is there any difference? (sorry, I find this really confusing)
Could we have a help section on inviting students to a class please? (It's kind of important). What is the difference between sending a student an email and sending them a code? Does the invite a student by email automatically enrol them in the correct class? sorry, I have spent a few hours reading the help articles but they seem to tell me the obvious and then stop just when i need some detail. I cannot complain as it is all free and its a great platform but am getting frustrated when simple tasks don't seem very logical. many thanks