Base 8

Can someone please provode the answers to the Base 8 numbers activity in the Big Ideas to Start Strong Module 5 section 2? We are having an argument about whether these numbers are already Base 8 to be convereted to base 10, or Base 10 to be convereted to Base 8.


Thank you.

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    • Customer Success Advocate
    • Maria_Soneja
    • 1 yr agoThu, July 27, 2023 at 1:11 PM UTC
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    Hi Luke, you've reached the OpenLearning Customer Success team.

    OpenLearning provides the learning platform for organisations and individuals to teach their courses. If you have any platform or technical issues, you can always ask us! 

    However, for course-specific and content-related queries, they would need to be answered by the course facilitator. You could either comment within the course for the facilitator to reply, or you could send them a direct message on their profile page if they have chat enabled.

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  • 1 yr agoThu, July 27, 2023 at 1:11 PM UTCLast active
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