How do I use the Checklist widget?

Widgets are the tools with which course administrators create and build the pages of their course. 

This widget can be used to create checklists for learners to tick off items that have been completed.

In order to access the Checklist widget: 

  1. Go to the page in your course where you'd like to add this widget.
  2. Select Edit mode.
  3. In the lefthand widget menu, click on the Checklist widget icon (or you can hold and drag it wherever you'd like on the page).


After adding the Checklist widget, you can click on the Setup tab.  

Fill out the sections within this tab.


Title: Here you can add a title for your checklist activity.

Tasks: Here you can add each task that you would like students to tick. When you set up this widget, it will automatically add "I have done this!" as the first task. You can delete this and fill in your own task. To add more tasks, click Add task to complete.

Text to display when all items are complete: Here you have the option to change the display text that will appear once a learner ticks all items.

Completing activities on a page is how learners make progress and receive their certificates or complete the course. 

As the administrator, you can modify how each widget tracks this progress. 

To do this, click on the Completion Settings tab on the widget and choose one of the following options: 


No completion tracking: This widget will not count towards completion. 

Completed upon any interaction: This widget will count towards progress once a student interacts with it in any way (ie: ticks off one item).

Completed when progress is: This widget will count as completed as soon as the learner ticks off a certain percent of the activity. You can set the percentage you'd like by dragging the white circle to the desired part on the blue line.

Completed when everything has been checked off:  This widget will count as completed once the learner has ticked all items off of the list.



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