What learner data is available within the institution?

As an Institution Administrator, you may need to access learner data for all of your courses, for reporting purposes.

This can be done from the one page within your Institution Settings > Learner Data.


The following student data can be accessed:

  • Learner name
  • Learner email
  • Institution membership ID
  • Institution groups
  • Course
  • Class
  • Enrolment date
  • Completion date
  • Time spent on course
  • Progress
  • % Course completed
  • Comments
  • Kudos
  • Enrolment Cost

Each data set can be filtered by:

  • Course
  • Class
  • Learner name
  • Sort by - name, earliest enrolment, latest enrolment

To learn more about how to access the data, read the next article in this guide: How to access student data from the institution

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    • NurHashimahSaid
    • 4 yrs ago
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