What is Score on OpenLearning and where can you create them?
Things to check before setting up an assessment report
In order to design assessments, you must first have set up the correct permissions in roles. Learn more about roles
You must also have specified your course outcomes. Learn more about course outcomes
Please make sure that you are able to see the Assessment tab in your course’s sidebar. The Assessment tab will appear to a Course Admin, Assessor and Assessment Designer.
Note - If you cannot see this Gradebook and Question Banks within your course, it is because it is currently only available to pilot users.
What is it?
A grade item type that allows assessors to assess learners based on score only.
How do I create a Score assessment on OpenLearning?
Step 1
Go to Assessment > Gradebook
Step 2
Click Add grade item>Score
Step 3
Enter your score report Name, Description and Maximum score and click Add to grade book.
Protip: Click Copy score item from another class if you want to copy the score report from a different class.
Step 4
This will take you to the main Gradebook section. In this section, you need to set up the following:
1) Weight: Assign the weight or score for your grade items.
2) Visibility: Select the appropriate visibility setting for your learners' view and click Save. The default visibility of the item is Full report on release. The other available options are Score only and Hidden.
3. Action: Click the three dots, select Edit to continue modifying your grade item report, or choose Delete to remove the grade item report.
Refer to the articles below for instructions on how to assess Score grade items.