Does OpenLearning platform have an option to grade assignments via rubric?

2 replies

    • Customer Success Team
    • Omnaya_Omar
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi there! We don't have that option available. However, I do believe grading using learning outcome tags might be able to get you close to what you're trying to accomplish! https://help.openlearning.com/t/18p055/how-do-i-use-learning-outcomes-tags

      • Adam_Brimo
      • 5 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Omnaya Omar OpenLearning's assessment system implements rubric based assessment within the assessment reports – we just call it 'marking criteria' but it's effectively the same. If there is a specific use case for rubric based assessment then we can see how OpenLearning's assessment system can be configured to support it. 

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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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