Page not completed several times

I've had this issue a few times and normally it's because I need to resubmit something on the course because something on the page has updated since I submitted it last. I've tried everything on the page I can, including rewatching the video and copy-pasting my gallery response as a new post, nothing seems to change this to 100% completion. The course is Analysis of environment, provide by USM.

2 replies

    • 9 mths ago
    • Reported - view
      • Customer Success & Onboarding Advocate
      • Diane_Luchavez
      • 9 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Hi there! I apologise for the inconvenience. It looks like there's a completion setting issue on this page. I will reach out to the course provider to get this fixed and no further action is required from your end at this time. Once the course provider fixes the issue, your progress will be automatically updated. Hope this helps clarify. Thank you! 

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  • 9 mths agoLast active
  • 2Replies
  • 21Views
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