How do I add another course administrator to my course?

Anyone who creates a course is automatically set as an administrator, or admin, of that course. However, a course may need a number of administrators. 

In order to add someone as an administrator in your course, make sure they first have a registered OpenLearning account. If they don't, they can register here. You will also need to assign them an Institution staff or Institution administrator role.

Step 1

Go to Course Setup > Staff Roles.

Step 2

Scroll down until you see the Course Administrators section and click where it says "Add a new administrator..." and it will become a text box.

Step 3:

Begin typing the email address or username of the person you would like to add. Once the correct user appears in the list, click on their name to add them as an admin.

To remove an admin:

Step 1

Simply click on the red X to the right of their name.

To learn about managing the permissions and roles of admins and facilitators in your course, see How do I manage staff roles?

1 reply

    • Salman_Hussen
    • 3 yrs agoSun, April 4, 2021 at 10:41 AM UTC
    • Reported - view

    Very helpful, thanks a lot

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