Sorting completion summary of widgets data

When we export the complete summary of widgets data, how actually the data is sorted by default?
Is it possible to sort it by the week or by the due date of the widget?
Then, what the Widget number on the page meaning?
Thank you.
8 replies
Hi UTeM MOOC Good day. We apologize for the delayed response.
If you selected to export for All pages, the data will be sorted in this sequence:
- by Page
- then by Quiz widgets which takes precedence over the other widgets (that is if there are quiz widgets on the page),
- if there are no quiz widgets, the data will be sorted by which the widgets appear in each page.
I hope this helps. let me know if you need further assistance. Thank you.
Yes, we do have data, therefore as you mention, dataset by default is sorted by % Learner Completed, in which not as what we expect for our usage.
Come back to our question, Is it possible to sort it by the week or by the due date of the widget?
Then, when we look back on the process to export the dataset for each page, how the option in From which page? was arranged? As you can see here, example, we have Level 3, then the list jumps to Level 12, and jump back to Level 7 page.
Is it possible to sort it by the week or by the due date of the widget? Or provide Page ID/Number for manual sorting purpose?
Unconviniancly now, we manually have to export each page dataset, sort it by Widget number on the page and give a Page Number before combining it into a new dataset.
As "From which page?" list option looks like randomly sorted, our next hassle is we will need to rearrange the Page Number in the new dataset manually and cross-check with each course admin.
Hope you get the idea on what we try to achieve.
Appreciate your prompt solutions.
Thank you.