Action Log

As an institution admin, you will now be able to view a log of operations of your institution and courses. This can be useful for;

  • verifying that the right people are doing the right things (SIEM compliance)

  • being able to see who did what (attributable action reporting, cybersecurity risk alleviation)

  • being able to explain a sequence of events that took place and understand why an issue occurred

  • being able to verify a chain of events for support queries

  • debugging API-made admin requests and differentiating API-made and human-made admin actions

Go to Institution Settings > Data > Action Log.

You will see a table of actions, with the most recent action on top. The log will include Institution, Course, and API actions.

Please note that it may take a while (approximately 5 to 10 minutes) for the records to show up on the log.

Actions taken by OL staff will be marked as OpenLearning System in the table. However, you will be able to see the details of the user (Actor) when from the action summary.

Please refer to the table here for the full list of actions that are currently available.

You can apply filters to the log and export records of the filtered results. You can filter by;

  • User name, email, or institution ID
  • Action type - portal, course, or via API
  • Actions performed (refer to the full list here).
  • Time range (7 days, 30 days, 90 days, custom)
  • Advanced filters
    • Course title or course ID (for course and institution action type)
    • Class title or class ID (for course and institution action type)
    • Any (for all - course, institution, API)
    • API specific filters;
      • Request method
      • Response URL
      • Response code
      • Request content types

Note: You can also select All Courses by leaving the course title/course ID field empty.


You can click on the individual logs to see the full details of the action, including the actor and course details.

These data can be exported for individual actions, or you can export them all at once. The current export option is via CSV or JSON.

The action log will display data from up to 3 months ago. To access data from more than 3 months ago, kindly send in a request to our Customer Success team via email at support@openlearning.com

This list will be updated accordingly whenever a new action is added to the filter.

  • Add team members
  • Assign team member to courses
  • Remove team member from courses
  • Changing roles
  • Add to institution groups
  • Remove from institution groups
  • Remove from institution
  • Add learner
  • Assigning to courses (learner enrolment)
  • Remove from courses (learner unenrolment)
  • Add a new course
  • Copy a course
  • Add existing course
  • Change course categories
  • Add qualification
  • Change qualification
  • Delete qualification
  • Add Administrator to Course
  • Remove Administrator from Course
  • Add Staff to Course
  • Remove Staff from Course
  • Change staff role
  • Add learner
  • Remove learner
  • Create report
  • Remove report
  • Modify report
  • Release report for class
  • Add report to class
  • Remove report from class
  • Create export
  • Delete export
  • Re-run export
  • Create class
  • Delete class

All API actions that are available on our API v.2.2 documentation.

Additional search filters that can be used together for more accurate results.

  • Any
  • Request method
  • Response URL
  • Response code
  • Request content types


1)  Some user accounts were provisioned via API by a staff member. We need to find out the list of the users and the staff member that actioned this via API. We can set the action type filter to API and search by;

  • Request method - POST 
  • Response code - 200 

2) Someone removed a course admin named Melody Wang from the course titled Arts and Craft more than 10 days ago. You can use these filters;

  • Filter by Action Type - Course
  • Filter by Action - Administrator removed from course
  • Time range - Last 30 days
  • Advanced filters > Search by course title -  Arts and Craft

3) You would like to get a list of actions performed by any users on the institution level for the past 90 days. 

  • Filter by Action Type - Institution
  • Time range -  Last 90 days



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  • 5 mths agoLast active
  • 147Views
  • 2 Following