Unable to complete the course

I am working on the completion of the course for commercial and contract management. I completed all modules and submitted the project work and knowledge assessment. However, it still shows at 91% and the pending portion is the knowledge assessment. However, the knowledge assessment is not allowing me to submit as there aren't any submissions pending. How do I get this completed and get my certificate?

1 reply

    • Customer Success and Training Specialist
    • Balasandar
    • 7 mths ago
    • Reported - view


    You can only try the quiz twice and complete progress when your answers match or are correct. You didn’t manage to complete this page progress because you have utilized both tries and still have some incorrect answers. This is how the course creator has set up this quiz progress.

    Regarding the certificate, they will check your submission before issuing it to you.

    If you have questions about the quiz or certificate, contact the IAT course team at iatdigital@tafensw.edu.au or iatconstruction@tafensw.edu.au or call 1300 823 366.

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  • 7 mths agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 7Views
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