New teacher
Hello my name is Theodosis i have a diploma Msc. in Agricultural sciences and Agricultural engineering from Agricultural University of Athens Greece.How can i start teach agriculture lessons and how do i get paid? Thank you so much in advance for your support.
1 reply
Hi Theos,
Thanks for contacting us - You can get started by signing up for an Educator Account here.
After this, you can get started on creating your OpenLearning course.
Here are some of the resources that you might find useful when creating courses on OpenLearning:
- Our free handbook on creating courses on our platform that you can get here: https://product.openlearning.com/handbook
- You can also refer to Course Creator Guides on our help pages
- Subscribe to our blog for advice, educator stories and downloadable templates from our team
- Last but not least, we also have a page where we showcase Great Learning Design Examples.
Feel free to research these resources, and if you have any further questions, please let me know.