Turnitin LTI 1.1 Tool Provider Integration
OpenLearning supports multiple technologies to provide interoperability with other systems, tools, and apps. In this article, we will be covering the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) integration with TurnItIn, a plagiarism detector that identifies the similarity between students' assignments and other writings or published work.
- This integration is only available to education providers who have an Institution Plan subscription with OpenLearning
- TurnItIn Institutional license, detailed here.
The required information from TurnItIn
The administrator of the TurnItIn account will need the following details (as outlined in the Turnitin LTI getting started guide:
- A URL based on your location:
- https://api.turnitinuk.com/api/lti/1p0/assignment (UK users only)
- https://api.turnitin.com/api/lti/1p0/assignment (All other users)
- Account ID (referred to as the "consumer key"). This allows an LMS to correctly integrate with a Turnitin account. Account IDs can be found on the left-hand side of the account name on the administrator homepage in Turnitin.
- Shared Key (configured by the Turnitin administrator in the Turnitin LTI integration setup). The shared secret key is used to verify the integrity of requests sent from the institution’s LMS account to the institution’s Turnitin account.
Setting up TurnItIn Integration in the institution portal
Step 1
Log in to OpenLearning and navigate to your Institution Settings > Integrations.
Step 2
Scroll down to the LTI Tool Providers section and click on + Add LTI tool provider.
Step 3
Enter the tool provider name, and on the Tool provider registration section, select LTI 1.1 for the LTI version.
Step 4
Enter the name "Turnitin" as the tool provider name, and then enter your URL, account ID, and shared key into the Launch URL, Consumer Key, and Shared Secret fields respectively:
Note: The widget icon will automatically be updated automatically once the correct Launch URL is added to the section above.
Step 5
If you would like to enable OpenLearning to collect submissions that are made to Turnitin so that these can be shared within OpenLearning community and assessment features, check the box labeled Turnitin Outcomes Extension:
Step 6
Turnitin recommends that OpenLearning sends through the user's email address. Under Email Settings you may select "Personal Email Address" to prompt the user to share their email address with Turnitin upon the first launch:
Step 7
Click Save. If the integration is successful, you will see the word Enabled with a green dot below it.
Adding the TurnItIn LTI tool to a course
Step 1
On your preferred course page, click on the Edit button to go into Edit mode.
Step 2
Go to the Widget menu and select Integration from the category dropdown.
Step 3
Click or drag the TurnItIn widget icon onto your page as with any other widget.
Step 4
On the first launch, it will request to use your email address, which will be sent to TurnItIn to complete the sign-on process and you will then be able to proceed to set up the tool.
Administrator's view
As an administrator of the course that has been included in the plan, it will give allow you to set up and make changes to the TurnItIn Submission settings.
Learner's view
The learner will be able to upload their submission and see the specified / requirement of the TurnItIn assignment via their Assignment Dashboard.
1 reply
very useful guide