Panopto LTI 1.1 Tool Provider Integration
OpenLearning supports multiple technologies to provide interoperability with other systems, tools, and apps. In this article, we will be covering the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) integration with Panopto, a lecture capture and video management system used by Institutions to capture, record and share videos with their learners. The topics covered are:
- This integration is only available to education providers who have an Institution Plan subscription with OpenLearning
- A paid Panopto Enterprise plan
Setting up BLTI integration in Panopto
Step 1
Log In to your Panopto site as an admin and navigate to Settings > Identity Providers.
Step 2
Click the Add Provider button to create a new Integration.
Step 3
Select BLTI from the drop-down menu.
Step 4
Fill out the values as follows and save the integration.
Provider Type: BLTI
Instance Name: This identifies the target identity provider and cannot be altered later. This is used as oauth_consumer_key of OAuth signature and shows up as the prepend for users, e.g. InstanceName\username.
i.e You can set this OpenLearning.Friendly Description: Any string is acceptable and this may be changed later as needed. You can set your Institution name here.
Bounce Page URL: This should be kept blank, except for custom integration.
Parent folder name: Select the root folder where all course folders are put.
Suppress access permission sync on LTI link: Set 'true' if you want to stop the behaviour to revoke Viewer permission of other course folders.
Application key: This is oauth_consumer_secret which is used to sign the launch request by LMS. This is generated automatically, and also re-generated whenever needed.
Bounce page blocks iframes: Keep it as false.
Default Sign-in Option: Set as false.
Personal folders for users: Choose any of the options and this may be changed later as needed.
LTI Username parameter override: If the username is passed as a non-standard LTI parameter, set that parameter key name.
Show this in Sign-in Dropdown: Set as false.
Step 5
Take note of the Instance Name and Application Key as you need this later when setting up the integration on the platform.
Setting up Panopto integration in a portal
Step 1
Log in to OpenLearning and navigate to your Institution Settings > Integrations.
Step 2
Scroll down to the LTI Tool Providers section and click on + Add LTI tool provider.
Step 3
Enter the tool provider name, and on the Tool provider registration section, select LTI 1.1 for the LTI version.
Step 4
Enter the name Panopto as the tool provider name, and the details below:
- Launch URL: Ensure that the Launch URL, is set to: https://your Panopto site/Panopto/LTI/LTI.aspx , where yourPanoptosite is your Panopto's site URL.
- Consumer Key: The Instance Name that you set up on Panopto.
- Shared Secret: The Application Key that is generated automatically in Panopto.
Note: The widget icon will automatically be updated automatically once the correct Launch URL is added to the section above.
Step 5
Leave every setting as it is and click Save. If the integration is successful, you will see the word Enabled with a green dot below it.
Adding the Panopto LTI tool to a course
Step 1
On your preferred course page, click on the Edit button to go into Edit mode.
Step 2
Go to the Widget menu and select Integration from the category dropdown.
Step 3
Click or drag the Panopto widget icon onto your page as with any other widget.
Step 4
Click on the first tab of the widget and set up the Panopto configuration accordingly.
Step 5
Once you are done, click on the View button to save the changes.
Administrator's view
Administrators are given creator access in Panopto, which allows them to record, edit, and change video settings.
Learner's view
The learners do not require any sign-in when accessing the Panopto widget within the course. The account will be automatically created on Panopto and learners are given viewer access to view videos.