How do I update Portfolio settings for my institution?

Portfolios are a fantastic opportunity for learners to showcase their learning artifacts and achievements that truly reflect their skills, personal development, and capabilities for prospective employers.

They are also a great way for institutions to demonstrate how they are meeting graduate employability indicators.

As an institution admin, you can control how Portfolios are used across your institution.

How to set Portfolio settings within your institution portal

Step 1

Go to your Institution Settings page.

Step 2

Under Settings, click on Advanced.

Step 3

Scroll down to the Portfolio section and choose your preferred Portfolio settings.


What each Portfolio setting means within courses

When Turn on by default in all courses is set within your institution

Within a course, the default setting in Course Setup > General will be:

When Turn off by default in all courses is set within your institution

Within a course, the default setting in Course Setup > General will be:

When Disable Portfolio feature in all courses is set within your institution

Within a course, the default setting in Course Setup > General will be:

Without any Portfolio Settings - the course admin won't see anything related to Portfolios.

Course admins and learners can further customise Portfolios

When Portfolios are enabled from within the institution, both course admins and learners are able to further customise if, how and when artefacts appear within a Portfolio.

  • Find out more about how course admins can customise Portfolios here.
  • Find out more about how learners can customise what does/doesn't display in their Portfolio here.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding Portfolios for your institution.

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