How do I find a course or a class ID?

As a portal administrator, you can easily get this information from your Portal:

1. Navigate to Institution Settings > Courses > View Course.

2. https://api.openlearning.com/docs#/Courses/search_courses

GET /courses/

Requirement: course admin, course URL

Example of  JSON output:


3. https://api.openlearning.com/docs#/Institutions/courses_for_institution

GET /institutions/{institution_id}/courses/

Requirement: portal admin, institution_id

Example of  JSON output:


A class refers to a cohort of learners who complete a course together. All learner-generated content and artifacts (i.e. comments, likes, shares, posts) are only visible to others within the same class.

At the time of writing, you can only get the class ID from our API.


1. https://api.openlearning.com/docs#/Courses/classes_for_course

GET /courses/{course_id}/classes/

Requirement: course admin, course_id

Example of  JSON output:



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  • 1 yr agoMon, October 9, 2023 at 6:09 AM UTCLast active
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